Yvette's Home Page


Hello, my name is Yvette and welcome to my brand new site. I am a 13 year old young lady with many things to say about myself. I am a independent person with many standards. If you get me mad then I wont like you until you apologize to me. My favorite color is pink because it stands out from all the other colors to me. My favorite numberis 10 because thats the age when I enjoyed the best birthday party. Also, my bestest friends out of all my friends are Carol and Johnayiah. First, Carol is my best friend because she is a very helpful and fun person. She is also very generous. She has a lot of generosity. If someone needs lunch in school she is most willingly going to give them hers and will wait until she get home to eat. Secondly, Johnayiah is my best friend because we have alot of fun together. We laugh ar eachother and make fun of eachother just to have fun. I love her like she is my sister I never had. If we are mad at eachother we will make up in only 5 minutes not even that. If we dont we will find some way to work things out. Johnayiah is the definiton of a TRUE FRIEND!! This is all I can say about me. GOODBYE!!

[T]hings I [L]ove ()[T]o [D]o!

One thing I really love to do is boogie.I like to dance and sing and also listen to music. My favorite artist is Chris Brown. He can sing,dance,act,rap,and look sexy all the time.I also like to watch videos and play games. My favorite video is Chris Brown's video Kiss Kiss. My favorite games are Ms.PacMan and PacMan.